Best Seller in Harry Potter

Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design instant download

(2 customer reviews)

USD 3.50USD 25.00

Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design

8 SIZES:  3,5″, 4,0″,  4.5″, 5.0″, 5,5″, 6,0″, 6.5″, 7.0″
File types: CSD | DST | EXP | HUS | PES | SHV | VIP | XXX



Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design instant download

  • It’s an instant download – the file will be ready to download after purchase.
  • For bigger sizes, some file types as JEF, and SEW, are not available
  • It’s silky-stitch embroidery design
  • You will get a ZIP archive with all files and color sheets

Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design instant download embroidering tips

Embroidering Tips

  1. Stabilize the Fabric: Use an appropriate stabilizer to prevent the fabric from shifting and to maintain the Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design’s shape. A cut-away stabilizer is often best for detailed designs like Luna’s glasses.
  2. Hoop the Fabric Properly: Make sure the fabric is taut but not stretched. This will ensure the Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design stitches out cleanly.
  3. Test Stitching: Before starting on your final fabric, do a test stitch on a similar scrap material. This helps you adjust any settings and ensures your Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design looks just right.
  4. Thread Tension: Adjust the thread tension if needed. If your threads are bunching up or not laying flat, tweaking the tension might be necessary.
  5. Use the Right Needle: For embroidery, a needle specifically designed for it (like a ballpoint or embroidery needle) is ideal. This helps in achieving clean stitches and preventing fabric snags.
  6. Finishing Touches: Once the embroidery is complete, remove any excess stabilizer and trim any loose threads. Iron the fabric from the back side to avoid pressing the embroidery directly.


Additional information

Embroidery design size

All sizes together, 3.5" ( 8.89 cm ), 4" ( 10.16 cm ), 4.5" ( 11.43 cm ), 5" ( 12.7cm ), 5.5" ( 13.97 cm ), 6" ( 15.24 cm ), 6.5" (16.51 cm ), 7" ( 17.78 cm )

2 reviews for Luna Lovegood glasses Harry Potter embroidery design instant download

  1. Nancy

    Stitched out perfectly

  2. Julia

    Looks amazing!

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